W3schools - Python_Scope / Module

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찾으시는 정보가 있으시다면
주제별reference를 이용하시거나
우측 상단에 있는 검색기능을 이용해주세요


Var is only available from inside the region it is created. This is called scope

Local scope

Var created inside a func belongs to the local scope of that func, and can only be used inside that func

Global scope

Var created in the main body of the Python code is a global var and belongs to the global scope

Global var are available from within any scope, global and local


If operate with the same var name inside and outside of a func, Python will treat them as two separate vars, one available in the global scope and one available in the local scope

Global keyword

If you need to create a global var, but are stuck in the local scope, can use the global

It makes the var global, also, if you want to make a change to a global var inside a func

def func():
    global x
    x = 300
print(x)	# output 300


Consider a module to be the same as a code library

A file containing a set of funcs you want to include in app

When using a func from a module, use the syntax : module_name.func_name

The module also can contain vars of all types

# Save this code in a file name mymodule.py
def greeting(name):
    print(Hello  + name)
    person = {name = John, age = 16}

# other file
import mymodule as mm		# can create an alias when import a module

mm.greeting(Sponge)	# output “Hello Sponge”
print(mm.persion[age])	# output 16

Built-in modules

There are several built-in modules in Python, which you can import whenever you like

import platform

# built-in func to list all the func names (or var names) in a module
x = dir(platform)

# Can choose to import only parts from a module
from platform import system		# When importing using the from
x = system()	# don’t use the module name when referring to elements in the module
print(x)	# output Darwin