W3schools - String/Math
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Java Strings
Storing text
String variable contains a collection of characters
- surrounded by double quotes
actually, object
which contain method
- that can perform certain operations on strings
length() length of a string
toUpperCase(), toLowerCase()
- index of the first occurrence of a specified text in a string(including whitespace)
concat() : concatenation(“+”)
- ex) name.concat(lastName);
Special Characters
Strings must be written within quotes
- Java misunderstand special characters
Use backslash“\” escape character
5 other escape sequences
\n new line
\r carriage return
- move cursor to the beginning of the string and overwrite
\t tab
\b backspace
\f form feed
Hello it was \f great meeting
output “Hello it was
great metting”
Adding numbers and strings
If you add a number and a string, the result will be a string concatenation
Java Math
Math.max(x,y) : find the highest value of x and y
min(x,y) : lowest
abs(x) : absolute
sqrt(x) : square root
random() : returns random number between 0.0(inclusive) ~ 1.0(exclusive)